Okay, I want to ask if there's a way to make the bilboard gui invisible if you're like 20 studs away from it's parent. I mean, when I use them and go at like 4000 studs away(the image is really small), I can still see the gui Image, which is huge.
To answer part of the question, I fixed my issues by using the scale values for sizes on everything except the actual bill board GUI itself, I set to a specific size - everything else I set the scale to 1 or 2 (100% or 200%) (everything including - frames, lables, etc - everything gui related you want on that billboard). And THIS fixed the issue with the words or images being HUGE from a distance.
Honestly, I think I tried this a few weeks ago, and it was broke on Roblox's end - I spent hours messing with using scale values with no decent results, but today it works great, and as expected.
Now the reason to use the scale value is that its scaling to the size of your screen and determining the correct size something should be based on the actual size of the text or image label as its on a billboardgui adorned to a part (like a head), and applying the percentage height based on how big your viewport is (screen size).
To have billboards disappear or appear at a certain distance, you'll need to so some magnitude calculation based on the player's distance from a known position - I would have a function that just loops thru a table of Workspace parts that have the billboard GUI (or are in the vicinity/next to it) and have the billboard Visible property set to true/false based on distance - this could be a script you put in the players backpack that runs all the time. If I come up with such a script I can post it here if you're not sure how to write that yourself. Let me know.