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Identifying ObjectValue in ServerStorage?

Asked by 9 years ago
local Owner = script.Parent.Owner
game.ServerStorage.MoneyStorage.Owner.Value.Value =game.ServerStorage.MoneyStorage.Owner.Value.Value + hit.Cash.Value

The point of the script is to establish a variable named "Owner" and identify the ObjectValue which should have the name of a player.

Next, it will go through ServerStorage.MoneyStorage and find a NumberValue with the name of Owner, so if "carcanken" is the owner, it will look inside game.ServerStorage.MoneyStorage.carcanken.Value and access it.

When I try this, I receive the message that "Owner is not a valid member of MoneyStorage". I think this is due to me not knowing how to properly identify the Owner variable in this situation.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

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Answered by 9 years ago

If I understand your question correctly, you want to search MoneyStorage for an object with the same name as the script's parent. As-is, your code is erroring because instead of searching by the name of the object stored in the variable Owner, it's instead searching for a child whose name is the string "Owner".

Why is that? Something.SomethingElse is syntactic sugar for Something['SomethingElse']. You're searching for a child with the same name as the string you put following the period. Instead, you'll want to try something like this:

local OwnerName = script.Parent.Owner.Value.Name
local MoneyStorage = game:GetService('ServerStorage').MoneyStorage
local Money = MoneyStorage:FindFirstChild(OwnerName)
Money.Value = Money.Value + hit.Cash.Value

This is, unfortunately, all I can do unless you provide further information. In the future, please try to clearly provide all relevant information in your question. Thanks!

Thanks for the answer, worked for me! carcanken 65 — 9y

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