What i want it to do is just go from 0 to 0.30 and keep repeating but they just go to -1 then back to 1 why does this happen ?
glow = script.Parent num = 30 while true do for i = 1, num do glow.Transparency = 0+i/num/1 wait() end for i = 1, num do glow.Transparency = 0.30 - i/num/1 wait() end end
The answer is simple. You just got some math incorrect:
glow = script.Parent num = 30 while true do for i = 1, num do glow.Transparency = 1/(num/i) wait() end for i = 1, num do glow.Transparency = 1/(num/i) wait() end end
You should really improve your math skills. It would help a lot.