I am Trying To Rescale a Mesh When It Touches A Certain Object, Here Is What I got And Its Not Working...
function tch(h) if (h.Parent.Name == "Birthday Cake Blizzard") then h.Parent.Name = "Birthday Cake Blizzard/w Whipcream" h.Parent.WhipCream.Mesh.Scale.Vector3 = Vector3.new(0.3,0.3,0.3) script.Parent.Parent.Spill.Transparency = 0 script.Parent.Sound:Play() wait(1) script.Parent.Parent.Spill.Transparency = 1 end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(tch)
Says This In Outpu 20:22:24.488 - Vector3 cannot be assigned to
function tch(h) if (h.Parent.Name == "Birthday Cake Blizzard") then h.Parent.Name = "Birthday Cake Blizzard/w Whipcream" h.Parent.WhipCream.Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(0.30, 0.3, 0.3) script.Parent.Parent.Spill.Transparency = 0 script.Parent.Sound:Play() wait(1) script.Parent.Parent.Spill.Transparency = 1 end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(tch)