The scripts are inside a model while that model is inside Workspace. I don't think it's the location but rather how it's getting fired.
I'm trying to use Humanoid.Died:connect() along with Humanoid.HealthChanged:connect() but they seem to not want to work?
I looked at the wiki but it doesn't say anything about this.
Edit -----------------------------------------
Script 1
local cash = script.Parent.Config.Cash.Value local xp = script.Parent.Config.Exp.Value local Humanoid = script.Parent.NPCoid function Died() local tag = Humanoid:findFirstChild("creator") if tag ~= nil then if tag.Value ~= nil then local find = tag.Value:findFirstChild("InParty") local Leaderstats = tag.Value:findFirstChild("Stats") if Leaderstats ~= nil then local player = tag.Value if player ~= nil then if player.InParty.Value == "" then print("Alone!") local Bonus = Leaderstats.Bonus Leaderstats.XP.Value = math.floor((Leaderstats.XP.Value + (cash*(Bonus.Value/100)))) Leaderstats.Gold.Value = math.floor((Leaderstats.Gold.Value + (cash*(Bonus.Value/100)))) if player:findFirstChild("Quests").Quest1 ~= nil then player.Quests.Quest1.Total_Kills.Value = player.Quests.Quest1.Total_Kills.Value + 1 end wait(0.1) script:Destroy() else print("InParty!") local party = game.Lighting.Party:findFirstChild(player.InParty.Value) local RewardParty = party:GetChildren() for i = 1, #RewardParty do local PartyMember = game.Players:findFirstChild(RewardParty[i].Name) print(PartyMember) if PartyMember:findFirstChild("Quests").Quest1 ~= nil then PartyMember.Quests.Quest1.Total_Kills.Value = PartyMember.Quests.Quest1.Total_Kills.Value + 1 end local leaderstat = PartyMember:findFirstChild("Stats") print(leaderstat.Parent) local Bonus = leaderstat.Bonus leaderstat.XP.Value = math.floor((leaderstat.XP.Value + ((cash*(Bonus.Value/100)/#RewardParty)))) leaderstat.Gold.Value = math.floor((leaderstat.Gold.Value + ((cash*(Bonus.Value/100)/#RewardParty)))) script:Destroy() end end end end end end end Humanoid.Died:connect(Died)
robo = script.Parent:clone() NP = script.Parent.NPCoid health = script.Parent.NPCoid.Health mhealth = script.Parent.NPCoid.MaxHealth name = script.Parent lvl = script.Parent.Config.Level.Value name.Name = "Level: "..lvl.." NPC - ""/"..mhealth NP.HealthChanged:connect(function (health) name.Name = "Level: "..lvl.." NPC - ""/"..mhealth local x = script.Parent if x ~= nil then if script.Parent.NPCoid.Health < 1 then local robot = robo:clone() robot.Parent=script.Parent.Parent robot:makeJoints() robot.NPCoid.Health = robot.NPCoid.MaxHealth wait(0.01) script.Parent:remove() end end end)
Even with FilteringEnabled, things like the player's character are fully controlled by the client (unless you specifically set the player's model to be owned by the server - but this would probably disable animation, and probably movement too). Thus, these events could very well be just be staying on the client. You'll have to listen for the events using a LocalScript and then, via a RemoteEvent, send the data to the server.