This script activates on left click, However you do not see a lot of it because there is too much script. So im going to show the things of the knife [Which connect on left click] only.
-This is suppose to activate when I left click, However it doesn't at first. [This is the glitch] 1.First you have to press "f" (Then it allows you to knife) 2.Then you can knife [But you can spam it, however fast you want]
..Script stuff..
On Activation:
local tool = script.Parent function ToolEquipped(mouse) mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() script.Parent.Main.Transparency = 1 script.Parent.Main.Knife:Play() local Connection = nil local Blade ="Part") Blade.BrickColor ="Really black") Blade.Name = "Blade" Blade.CanCollide = false Blade.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom Blade.Size = VEC3(0.5, 2.5, 1) local Mesh ="SpecialMesh") Mesh.MeshId = S.KnifeMeshId Mesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh Mesh.Scale = VEC3(0.7, 0.7, 0.7) Mesh.TextureId = S.KnifeTextureId Mesh.Parent = Blade Blade.Parent = Gun_Ignore local BladeWeld ="Weld") BladeWeld.Part0 = Blade BladeWeld.Part1 = FakeLArm BladeWeld.C0 = CFANG(RAD(-90), 0, RAD(180)) BladeWeld.C1 = CF(0, -1, 0.75) BladeWeld.Parent = Blade Connection = Blade.Touched:connect(function(Obj) if Obj then local HitHumanoid = FindFirstClass(Obj.Parent, "Humanoid") if HitHumanoid and IsEnemy(HitHumanoid) then local CreatorTag ="ObjectValue") CreatorTag.Name = "creator" CreatorTag.Value = Player CreatorTag.Parent = HitHumanoid HitHumanoid:TakeDamage(HitHumanoid.MaxHealth) MarkHit() end end end) TweenJoint(LWeld2, CF(), CFANG(0, RAD(90), 0), Linear, 0.05) TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], CF(-0.1, 0.2, -0.1) * CFANG(0, 0, RAD(-20)), Linear, 0.05) TweenJoint(RWeld, ArmC0[2], CFANG(RAD(-30), 0, 0), Linear, 0.1) TweenJoint(Grip, Grip.C0, CF(), Linear, 0.1) spawn(function() local Force = HRP.CFrame.lookVector * 8e4 local BF ="BodyForce") BF.force = Force BF.Parent = HRP delay(0.03, function() BF.force = -Force / 2 wait(0.03) BF:Destroy() end) end) wait(0.05) RotCamera(RAD(6), 0, true, 0.1) delay(0.1, function() RotCamera(RAD(-2), 0, true, 0.05) end) TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], CF(0.8, 1.7, 0.2) * CFANG(0, 0, RAD(-80)), Linear, 0.06) wait(0.2) Connection:disconnect() wait(0.2) TweenJoint(LWeld2, CF(), CF(), Linear, 0.15) TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Left, Linear, 0.15) TweenJoint(RWeld, ArmC0[2], S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Right, Linear, 0.15) Blade:Destroy() script.Parent.Main.Transparency = 0 end) end
if Key == S.KnifeKey and S.CanKnife then if KnifeReady and (not Knifing) and (not ThrowingGrenade) then if Aimed then UnAimGun(true) end BreakReload = true Knifing = true KnifeReady = false tool.Equipped:connect(ToolEquipped) BreakReload = false Knifing = false delay(S.KnifeCooldown, function() KnifeReady = true end) end end
Connection from module script:
CanKnife = true; KnifeMeshId = ""; KnifeTextureId = ""; KnifeCooldown = 0.5;
Key Connection from Module:
KnifeKey = "f";