I was wondering how I could take this image button I have in my GUI and make it so on any screen size it stays to the bottom left?
This is not a scripting question, nor a request site.
To make a screengui's position relavent to the user's screen size, you must use the scale
property of the label.
When you make a textbutton, label, or image in a gui, it has a property that looks like this.
{0,0},{0,0}. Same with position and size.
you need to use both.
Now, the left number on both, the { 0 ,0}. this is the SCALE variable of the size. the number beside it is the OFFSET. We don't want that. There's two of these {0,0}s, as you may notice. The first one is X, the horizontal position/size, and Y, the vertical.
now, depending on the SIZE of your gui, you'll want to put your variable's position to about {0, 0},{0.85, 0}
Hope this helped!