I need to know how to do this because in my new game project math.random only selects 1 player to be the criminal.
here is an example of what I have to make it select 1 person.
criminals = people[math.random(1, #people)]
The reason is for that theres only 1 player selected is because your using
math.random(1, #people)
The '1' makes it only select one player.
I suggest using a table.
Much easyer to use. Example code :
criminals = {} for i = 1, math.random(1, 5), 1 do while wait() do local NC = people[math.random(1, #people)] for _,plr in next,criminals do if plr ~= NC then table.insert(criminals, NC) break -- Stop the while loop end end end end
So now what you can do is much MUCH more simple,
for _,plr in next,criminals do local Character = workspace:WaitForChild(plr.Name) local Human = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") Humanoid.Died:connect(function() print(Character.Name..", died") end) end
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