Can anyone tell me how to add a time in which it take's TweenSize
to reach the specific size? This script work's so far but I want it to Size
script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() script.Parent:TweenSize(,-6,1,-6)) end)
Alright, theres a few more events (or functions) on the TweenSize,
For this I recommend trying this...
script.Parent:TweenSize(,-6,1,-6) , "Out" , "Linear" , 0.5) -- UDim Aerial, Look-UI, Speed
The 0.5 is your speed, lets say if I wanted it to go faster I would start going down in numbers,
0.4, 0.3, .... And so forth.
Alright, but lets say I wanted to slow the UI down,I would start going up in numbers, 0.6, 0.7, ... And so forth.