Can anyone tell me how to make this rotate faster? this whole script work's fine beside's it rotating to slow.
local label = script.Parent.DropLabel script.Parent.SelectorStart.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() for i = 1, 90 do label.Rotation = label.Rotation + 1 wait(0) end end)
Add more increments, but with less iterations.
90 x 1 == 90, of which is your end goal.
for i = 1, 90 do label.Rotation = label.Rotation + 1 wait() end
45 x 2 == 90; twice as fast, same result.
for i = 1, 45 do label.Rotation = label.Rotation + 2 wait() end
30 x 3 == 90; thrice as fast, same result.
for i = 1, 30 do label.Rotation = label.Rotation + 3 wait() end
If you're using a local script, you could implement RenderStepped:wait().
RS = game:GetService("RunService") -- function opens for i = 1, 90 do label.Rotation = label.Rotation + 1 RS.RenderStepped:wait() end -- function closes
The loop will iterate the next time the frame changes.