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inserting model with insertservice, why is it not working?

Asked by 9 years ago

i keep getting this error Content failed because HTTP 404 (HTTP/1.1 404

i'm using the script from the wiki and i have http enabled

local model = script.Parent
while not script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Version") do wait(0) end;
local modelVersion = model.Version.Value;
local modelID = 0101010101 -- Change this to the model id of the model you created earlier

function checkForUpdate()
    -- Get the newest version of the model from the catalog
    local newModel = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(modelID)

    -- If the catalog model is newer than the one in game
    if newModel and newModel:FindFirstChild("Version") and newModel.Version:IsA("IntValue") and newModel.Version.Value > modelVersion then
         -- Replace it
         newModel.Parent = model.Parent

-- Once the asset is loaded into the ROBLOX cache, it will always be the same.  Only call this once.  
Erm. It looks like you never established an id for "AssetIdNumberofmyModel". That should preobablybe why you're getting the error... minikitkat 687 — 9y
in the script in my game actually used the real id there, i just didn't want to post the id number here because the model isn't ready for public use. johnnygadget 50 — 9y

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