The script functions perfectly, only that it spams the developer console and the output to the point that I lag out or I can't find the error that I'm looking for. Here's the script, tell me what I can change to stop it from erroring.
Parent = script.Parent enabled = false -- Variables Parent.Touched:connect(function(hit) player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) wait() if not enabled and hit.Parent ~= nil then enabled = true if not player and hit ~= nil and hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid").Health > 0 then if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then hit.Parent:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Health = hit.Parent:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Health - 20 end elseif player and player.TeamColor ~="Black") then if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then hit.Parent:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Health = hit.Parent:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Health - 20 end end end wait(3) enabled = false end)
09:21:09.768 - Workspace.FastRobloxian.Right Arm.Damage:10: attempt to index a nil value 09:21:09.769 - Stack Begin 09:21:09.769 - Script 'Workspace.FastRobloxian.Right Arm.Damage', Line 10 09:21:09.770 - Stack End
That's the error
The problem is probably occurring when the arm touches something that doesn't have a humanoid in it. You could fix it like this:
Parent = script.Parent enabled = false -- Variables Parent.Touched:connect(function(hit) player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) wait() if not enabled and hit.Parent ~= nil then enabled = true local humanoid = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if not player and hit ~= nil and humanoid and humanoid.Health > 0 then humanoid:TakeDamage(20) elseif player and player.TeamColor ~="Black") then if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then hit.Parent.Humanoid:TakeDamage(20) end end end wait(3) enabled = false end)
This will check to see if a humanoid exists before checking if its health is above 0. I also used TakeDamage()
; this will take force fields etc. into account.
Events are run separately from the rest of the code, and therefore will not break the main code, nor will they be disconnected, meaning they will continue to occur.