local button = script.Parent local tv = script.Parent.Parent.Screen local hd = tv.HomeDepot local mp = tv.MPMotors local Kim = tv.Kimbo local Xiv = tv.Xivics local advertisements = {hd, mp, Kim, Xiv} function television(onClick) while true do for i,v in pairs do end end
This script belongs to the button that turns it on and there's another that turns it off. I just don't know how to plug the table into the for loop. Help?
local button = script.Parent local tv = script.Parent.Parent.Screen local hd = tv.HomeDepot local mp = tv.MPMotors local Kim = tv.Kimbo local Xiv = tv.Xivics local advertisements = {hd, mp, Kim, Xiv} local timeswitch = .5 function television(onClick) breaker ="BoolValue") breaker.Name = "Breaker" breaker.Parent = tv while true do wait() for i,v in pairs(advertisements) do v.Transparency = 0 wait(timeswitch) v.Transparency = 1 end if breaker == nil then break end end
You need to reference the table advertisements and so v would be the iterating correlating table number so that would be the decal in the table it's on atm so then just reference it with v! accept and +1 plox im nub if it works