Is there a way of getting a number to only go to a tenth of a percent. I have this leaderboard with your kd in it and if its something like 23k/3d its 7.66666667, is there a way of making it so it makes it 7.7 instead?
Here is my script:
wait(6) local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local death = player.playerstats.deaths local kill = player.playerstats.kills while true do wait() script.Parent.Text = kill.Value/death.Value end
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer repeat wait() until player.Character local death = player.playerstats.deaths local kill = player.playerstats.kills function tenth(number) snum = tostring(number) endnum = 0 if snum:find(".") then found=snum:find(".") snum:sub(1,found+1) end return tonumber(snum) end end while true do wait() script.Parent.Text = tenth(kill.Value/death.Value)--this should round the number to the tenth! end