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How do I add a KO recorder that records the WO's, KO's and streaks you've done? SOLVED

Asked by 10 years ago

****What I mean by this question is, if you look at your group training station, it will have next to each player the amount of KO's and WO's that play has made, I would like to know how you add this feature. To understand what I am asking visit a group training center and you will see next to your name that it says WO's and KO's

2 answers

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Answered by 10 years ago

Go into Roblox Studio -> Toolbox -> Game stuff -> leaderboard

That script is the default Roblox leaderboard script for recording KOs and WOs. Read it through to understand it.

one problem I haven't gotten on studio for so long I forgot where toolbox is in the new default guy5572 0 — 10y
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Answered by 10 years ago

There is a free model in Toolbox. Study it.

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