Hello everyone, I want add to capture script, if team will capture the post, then it should add to them cash every few sec. Can someone help me too with CFrame? Becouse i want to move horizontally, but now it moving perpendicularly. I mean of coure a , b , c and d.
Here is script(not mine, i think it's good script.):
bin = script.Parent.Base owner = script.Parent.CurrentOwner distance = script.Parent.CaptureDistance.Value steps = script.Parent.StepsToBottom maxsteps = steps.Value a = script.Parent.P4 b = script.Parent.P3 c = script.Parent.P2 d = script.Parent.P1 neutral = script.Parent.NeutralColor.Value attackingteam = nil defendingteam = nil script.Parent.FlagManager.Disabled = false players = {} for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do table.insert(players, v) end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(p) table.insert(players, p) end) function findTeamByColor(color) returnee = "" for i,v in pairs(game.Teams:children()) do if v.TeamColor == color then returnee = v.Name break end end return returnee end function moveFlag(team, name, name2) if (team ~= owner.Value) and (owner.Value ~= neutral) then if steps.Value > 0 then a.CFrame = a.CFrame-Vector3.new(0,7/maxsteps,0) b.CFrame = b.CFrame-Vector3.new(0,7/maxsteps,0) c.CFrame = c.CFrame-Vector3.new(0,7/maxsteps,0) d.CFrame = c.CFrame-Vector3.new(0,7/maxsteps,0) steps.Value = steps.Value-1 if steps.Value == 0 then attackingteam = team defendingteam = owner.Value owner.Value = neutral if m~=nil then m:Remove() end m = Instance.new("Hint", workspace) m.Text = "Earth Post, controlled by " ..name2.. ", is being captured by the " ..name.. "!" game:service("Debris"):AddItem(m, 10) end end elseif (team == owner.Value) and (owner.Value ~= neutral) then if steps.Value < maxsteps then a.CFrame = a.CFrame+Vector3.new(0,7/maxsteps,0) b.CFrame = b.CFrame+Vector3.new(0,7/maxsteps,0) c.CFrame = c.CFrame+Vector3.new(0,7/maxsteps,0) d.CFrame = c.CFrame+Vector3.new(0,7/maxsteps,0) steps.Value = steps.Value+1 if steps.Value == maxsteps then owner.Value = team end end elseif (team ~= owner.Value) and (owner.Value == neutral) then if team == defendingteam then if steps.Value > 0 then a.CFrame = a.CFrame-Vector3.new(0,7/maxsteps,0) b.CFrame = b.CFrame-Vector3.new(0,7/maxsteps,0) c.CFrame = c.CFrame-Vector3.new(0,7/maxsteps,0) d.CFrame = d.CFrame-Vector3.new(0,7/maxsteps,0) steps.Value = steps.Value-1 if steps.Value == 0 then if m~=nil then m:Remove() end m = Instance.new("Hint", workspace) m.Text = "Earth Post has been recovered from the " ..findTeamByColor(attackingteam).. " by the " ..name.. "!" game:service("Debris"):AddItem(m, 10) attackingteam = nil defendingteam = nil owner.Value = team end end else a.CFrame = a.CFrame+Vector3.new(0,7/maxsteps,0) b.CFrame = b.CFrame+Vector3.new(0,7/maxsteps,0) c.CFrame = c.CFrame+Vector3.new(0,7/maxsteps,0) d.CFrame = d.CFrame+Vector3.new(0,7/maxsteps,0) steps.Value = steps.Value+1 if steps.Value == maxsteps then if m~=nil then m:Remove() end m = Instance.new("Hint", workspace) if defendingteam then m.Text = "Earth Post has been captured by the " ..name.. " from the " ..findTeamByColor(defendingteam).. "!" else m.Text = "Earth Post has been claimed by the " ..name.. "." end game:service("Debris"):AddItem(m, 10) attackingteam = nil defendingteam = nil owner.Value = team end end end end while true do wait() for i,v in pairs(players) do if v.Character ~= nil then torso = v.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") if torso ~= nil then if (torso.Position-bin.Position).magnitude <= distance then if v.TeamColor ~= neutral then moveFlag(v.TeamColor, findTeamByColor(v.TeamColor), findTeamByColor(owner.Value)) end end end end end end