I'm trying to make it so it tweens to a random position every time, I think I'm putting the UDim2 values in the table wrong. pls halp!1!
local place = {UDim2.new(0.88, 0,0.926, 0), UDim2.new(0.88, 0,0.925, 0)} function playshoottween() ammotext.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1,1,1) ammotext:TweenPosition(place[math.random(1,2)],"Out","Quad",1/30, false) end
local UDims={ UDim2.new(0.88, 0,0.926, 0); UDim2.new(0.88, 0,0.925, 0); } function playshoottween() ammotext.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1,1,1) ammotext:TweenSize( -- I think you derped and used TweenPosition UDims[math.random(1,#UDims)], "Out","Quad", 0.3, true) end playshoottween()