So I've been making a Game Engine that just gets the players in the game to spawn in a randomly chosen map. That part finally works. Now I'm trying to figure out a way so that when people die they spawn at the game if the game is still going on. I did attempt by making that SpawnLocation1 in my game Disabled.That was only the first step...
Script Below:
minigames = game.ServerStorage.Minigames:GetChildren() h ="Hint", game.Workspace) while true do if game.Players.NumPlayers > 0 then h.Text = "Deciding what game to play" wait(3) ranGame = math.random(1, #minigames) gameChosen = minigames[ranGame] h.Text = gameChosen.Name wait(3) gameChosenClone = gameChosen:Clone() gameChosenClone.Parent = game.Workspace wait(3) spawns = gameChosenClone.Spawns:GetChildren() --Players spawn for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do --Player check name = v.Name --Disables SpawnLocation game.Workspace.SpawnLocation1.Enabled = false check = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(name) --Checks if checked if check then checkHumanoid = check:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") end if checkHumanoid then check:MoveTo(spawns[i].Position) end end for i = 3, 1, -1 do h.Text = "Game begins in:" .. i wait(1) end --Game countdown for i = 60, 1, -1 do wait(1) h.Text = "Time left: " .. i wait(1) end gameChosenClone:Destroy() h.Text = "Game ended!" wait(1) game.Workspace.SpawnLocation1.Enabled = true else h.Text = "There needs to be one than 1 character to start bro!" end wait(1) end