I was messing with the studio and found this script and LocalSounds script, basically what i want this to do when player dies, the original sound from his head plays the ughh but for his client-side i want other sound to play.. How i DO DAT ?
i made a script that clones this into character where it was with the editted sound
function waitForChild(parent, childName) local child = parent:findFirstChild(childName) if child then return child end while true do child = parent.ChildAdded:wait() if child.Name==childName then return child end end end function newSound(name, id) local sound = Instance.new("Sound") sound.SoundId = id sound.Name = name sound.archivable = false sound.Parent = script.Parent.Head return sound end -- declarations local sGettingUp = newSound("GettingUp", "rbxasset://sounds/action_get_up.mp3") local sDied = newSound("Died", "rbxassetid://153239830") local sFreeFalling = newSound("FreeFalling", "rbxasset://sounds/action_falling.mp3") local sJumping = newSound("Jumping", "rbxasset://sounds/action_jump.mp3") local sLanding = newSound("Landing", "rbxasset://sounds/action_jump_land.mp3") local sSplash = newSound("Splash", "rbxasset://sounds/impact_water.mp3") local sRunning = newSound("Running", "rbxasset://sounds/action_footsteps_plastic.mp3") sRunning.Looped = true local sSwimming = newSound("Swimming", "rbxasset://sounds/action_swim.mp3") sSwimming.Looped = true local sClimbing = newSound("Climbing", "rbxasset://sounds/action_footsteps_plastic.mp3") sClimbing.Looped = true local Figure = script.Parent local Head = waitForChild(Figure, "Head") local Humanoid = waitForChild(Figure, "Humanoid") local hasPlayer = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(script.Parent) local filteringEnabled = game.Workspace.FilteringEnabled local prevState = "None" -- functions function onDied() stopLoopedSounds() sDied:Play() end local fallCount = 0 local fallSpeed = 0 function onStateFall(state, sound) fallCount = fallCount + 1 if state then sound.Volume = 0 sound:Play() Spawn( function() local t = 0 local thisFall = fallCount while t < 1.5 and fallCount == thisFall do local vol = math.max(t - 0.3 , 0) sound.Volume = vol wait(0.1) t = t + 0.1 end end) else sound:Stop() end fallSpeed = math.max(fallSpeed, math.abs(Head.Velocity.Y)) end function onStateNoStop(state, sound) if state then sound:Play() end end function onRunning(speed) sClimbing:Stop() sSwimming:Stop() if (prevState == "FreeFall" and fallSpeed > 0.1) then local vol = math.min(1.0, math.max(0.0, (fallSpeed - 50) / 110)) sLanding.Volume = vol sLanding:Play() fallSpeed = 0 end if speed>0.5 then sRunning:Play() sRunning.Pitch = 1.6 else sRunning:Stop() end prevState = "Run" end function onSwimming(speed) if (prevState ~= "Swim" and speed > 0.1) then local volume = math.min(1.0, speed / 350) sSplash.Volume = volume sSplash:Play() prevState = "Swim" end sClimbing:Stop() sRunning:Stop() sSwimming.Pitch = 1.6 sSwimming:Play() end function onClimbing(speed) sRunning:Stop() sSwimming:Stop() if speed>0.01 then sClimbing:Play() sClimbing.Pitch = speed / 5.5 else sClimbing:Stop() end prevState = "Climb" end -- connect up function stopLoopedSounds() sRunning:Stop() sClimbing:Stop() sSwimming:Stop() end if hasPlayer == nil then Humanoid.Died:connect(onDied) Humanoid.Running:connect(onRunning) Humanoid.Swimming:connect(onSwimming) Humanoid.Climbing:connect(onClimbing) Humanoid.Jumping:connect(function(state) onStateNoStop(state, sJumping) prevState = "Jump" end) Humanoid.GettingUp:connect(function(state) stopLoopedSounds() onStateNoStop(state, sGettingUp) prevState = "GetUp" end) Humanoid.FreeFalling:connect(function(state) stopLoopedSounds() onStateFall(state, sFreeFalling) prevState = "FreeFall" end) Humanoid.FallingDown:connect(function(state) stopLoopedSounds() end) Humanoid.StateChanged:connect(function(old, new) if not (new.Name == "Dead" or new.Name == "Running" or new.Name == "RunningNoPhysics" or new.Name == "Swimming" or new.Name == "Jumping" or new.Name == "GettingUp" or new.Name == "Freefall" or new.Name == "FallingDown") then stopLoopedSounds() end end) end