I'm trying to create a code GUI. But whenever I use the Changed event, it prints the code twice in the output, instead of once.
codebox.Changed:connect(function(tex) if codebox.Text == "B3TA" then print("INPUTTTT") end end)
You may wanna use the argument the event returns, which is a string value of the property that's been changed.
See, this event will log every single property that changes in the TextBox. And sometimes, more than 1 property can change at a time.
For example, every time a text changes in a text box, so does a property called "TextBounds", which represents the size of the text. Thus, invoking the event twice (because of the text, and size changing).
So, we can easily fix this problem with a simple if statement using the argument our Changed event returns, like this:
-- Assuming this script is inside the TextBox object. local codebox = script.Parent codebox.Changed:connect(function(property) if property == "Text" then print('Text changed to: '..codebox.Text) end end)
Hope this helped.