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How do I make a fake character?

Asked by 9 years ago

Like in Deadzone Remade, I want to make a fake character, and the camera follow that character, rather than their original one. I also want to be able to edit the way the character looks, like their skin color, etc..

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Answered by 9 years ago

Sounds like you might want custom animation, which you can learn about here:

You can set Players.CharacterAutoLoads to false and then, using the proper events, create the player's character model yourself.

You'll then need to pass control to a local script (using a RemoteEvent) which can then adjust the game.CurrentCamera (see Camera class).

If you just want to do minor modifications to their original character, just monitor for when they respawn (using Player.CharacterAdded) and then adjust their appearance how you like.

It's really confusing, lol. SimplyRekt 413 — 9y

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