I barely use :GetChildren() so yeah...
x = script.Parent:GetChildren("script.Parent.Fire") x.Enabled = false ---I dont get it....
returns a table you can iterate through.
In the case you just attempted, you should use the FindFirstChild
function, which returns a child with the specified name.
x = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Fire") x.Enabled = false
Here is a list of all functions that can be used on Instances.
To use :GetChildren(), most people do like so:
for index, value in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do value:Destroy() end
In the above script, GetChildren() returns a table the for loop can iterate through, then perform tasks for each one.
GetChildren is generally only used if you need to perform an object to several objects. Otherwise you can use FindFirstChild, or WaitForChild.