This script gives this output : Workspace.Model.Script:6: attempt to index upvalue 'a' (a nil value)
It's pretty self explanatory what it does.
local a = game.Players.LocalPlayer function meltdown() game.Workspace.Sounds.MeltdownAnnounce:Play() wait(5) game.Workspace.Sounds.FirstMusic:Play() a.PlayerGui.WARNING.TextLabel.Script.Disabled = false wait(5) script.Parent.Explode.Enabled = true game.Workspace.Sounds.Explode:Play() wait(.6) script.Parent.Explode.Enabled = false game.Workspace.Sounds.Siren:Play() wait(30) game.Lighting.Ambient =,0,0) game.Lighting.OutdoorAmbient =,0,0) game.Lighting.Brightness = -5 function SearchOff(place) for _,part in pairs(place:GetChildren()) do if part:IsA("PointLight") or part:IsA("SpotLight")then part.Enabled = false part.Parent.Material = "Plastic" else SearchOff(part) end end end SearchOff(game.Workspace) wait(20) game.Workspace.Sounds.EmergPower:Play() wait(.9) function SearchOff2(place) for _,part in pairs(place:GetChildren()) do if part:IsA("PointLight") or part:IsA("SpotLight")then part.Enabled = true part.Parent.Material = "Neon" else SearchOff2(part) end end end SearchOff2(game.Workspace) end meltdown() --[[local e ="Explosion") e.Parent = game.Workspace.Core.Core e.Position = game.Workspace.Core.Core.Position]]--
function meltdown() game.Workspace.Sounds.MeltdownAnnounce:Play() wait(5) game.Workspace.Sounds.FirstMusic:Play() for _,a in pairs (game.Players:GetPlayers()) do a.PlayerGui.WARNING.TextLabel.Script.Disabled = false end wait(5) script.Parent.Explode.Enabled = true game.Workspace.Sounds.Explode:Play() wait(.6) script.Parent.Explode.Enabled = false game.Workspace.Sounds.Siren:Play() wait(30) game.Lighting.Ambient =,0,0) game.Lighting.OutdoorAmbient =,0,0) game.Lighting.Brightness = -5 function SearchOff(place) for _,part in pairs(place:GetChildren()) do if part:IsA("PointLight") or part:IsA("SpotLight")then part.Enabled = false part.Parent.Material = "Plastic" else SearchOff(part) end end end SearchOff(game.Workspace) wait(20) game.Workspace.Sounds.EmergPower:Play() wait(.9) function SearchOff2(place) for _,part in pairs(place:GetChildren()) do if part:IsA("PointLight") or part:IsA("SpotLight")then part.Enabled = true part.Parent.Material = "Neon" else SearchOff2(part) end end end SearchOff2(game.Workspace) end meltdown() --[[local e ="Explosion") e.Parent = game.Workspace.Core.Core e.Position = game.Workspace.Core.Core.Position]]--
Now the problem here is that you cannot access localplayer through a server script. a server script runs on the server, and a localscript runs on the client. On the server of the game, since a server script doesn't run on the client, it can't get the localplayer. How do we fix this? Well, as you probably know, there is a folder in Datamodel called Players, that holds all the players. we can scroll through all of the players in game.Players
using a pairs loop, and going to the script, and enabling them. I did this on line 6 - 8