Hi I was doing a intermission countdown and when it got down to one it stayed at one and then it didn't teleport or have any more hint text that i added. Can you help? Line 17-22
flocal highScore = 10 local Found = nil local h = Instance.new("Hint",workspace) local lobbyspawns = workspace.LobbySpawns:GetChildren() local gamespawns = {workspace.GameSpawn1.Position,workspace.GameSpawn2.Position,workspace.GameSpawn3.Position,workspace.GameSpawn4.Position,workspace.GameSpawn5.Position,workspace.GameSpawn6.Position} local function getScore(user, stat) if user and stat then -- if no empty parameters, proceed local stats = user:WaitForChild("leaderstats") local score = stats:WaitForChild(stat) if score then return score.Value end end end local time2 = 20 for time2 = 20, 1, -1 do wait(1) h.Text = "Intermission".." ("..time2..")" end print("Intermission") game.ReplicatedStorage.Cows:Clone().Parent = workspace wait(20) h.Text = "Inserting cows..." wait(1) h.Text = "Milking the cows..." wait(1) h.Text = "Drinking the milk..." wait(1) h.Text = "Selling milk..." wait(1) h.Text = "Making prophet..." wait(1) h.Text = "Teleporting all players..." wait(0.5) h.Text = "Starting game..." local gspawn = gamespawns[math.random(1, #gamespawns)] for i, player in ipairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then player.Character:MoveTo(Vector3.new(3, 1.2, 196)) end local Time = 300 while Time > 1 do h.Text = Time .. " seconds left in the game" for _, Player in pairs(Game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if Player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats") then if Player.leaderstats["Cow Clicks"].Value >= highScore then -- the error is here, its effecting wait Found = true break end end end if not Found then wait(1) Time = Time - 1 print(Time) else break end end print("Game running") for _, player in next, game.Players:GetPlayers() do if getScore(player, "Cow Clicks") >= highScore then print("Game over") h.Text = "Game over!" local spawn = lobbyspawns[math.random(1, #lobbyspawns)] for i, player in ipairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then player.Character:MoveTo(spawn) workspace.Cows:remove() player.leaderstats["Cow Clicks"].Value = 0 end end end end end
Tab your code correctly.
Here's the current shape of your code:
The way it's all in a for
loop for the players doesn't make sense.
Here is how your code should be shaped:
Teleport each player
Run game
Here is a paraphrase of the code:
local highScore = 10 local h = Instance.new("Hint", workspace) local lobbyspawns = workspace.LobbySpawns:GetChildren() local gamespawns = { workspace.GameSpawn1.Position, workspace.GameSpawn2.Position, workspace.GameSpawn3.Position, workspace.GameSpawn4.Position, workspace.GameSpawn5.Position, workspace.GameSpawn6.Position, } local function getScore(user, stat) if user and stat then local stats = user:WaitForChild("leaderstats") local score = stats:WaitForChild(stat) if score then return score.Value end end end -- Figure out who has won: -- (returns `nil` if no one has) function getWinner() for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if getScore(player, "Cow Clicks") > highScore then return player end end end while true do -- do all of this over and over -- there is no `time` variable. -- `for` loop variables are automatically local already. for time = 20, 1, -1 do h.Text = time .. " seconds left in the intermission" wait(1) end game.ReplicatedStorage.Cows:Clone().Parent = workspace wait(5) h.Text = "Starting the game..." wait(1) -- Teleport all players for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if player.Character then player.Character:MoveTo( Vector3.new(3, 1.2, 196) ) end wait(1) -- EDIT end -- Run the game for time = 300, 1, -1 do h.Text = time .. " seconds left" if getWinner() then break -- ended the game early end end -- Announce winner local winner = getWinner() if winner then h.Text = winner.Name .. " won!" else h.Text = "Time ran out." end -- Send everyone home for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if player.Character then local spot = lobbyspawns[math.random(#lobbyspawns)] player.Character:MoveTo(spot) end player.leaderstats["Cow Clicks"].Value = 0 end wait(5) end
time = 300, 1, -1 do
loop was missing a wait(1)
. It has been added."Cow Clicks"
instead of "CowClicks"
. It has been fixed.