I wrote this script so it can clone the morph in the script to the player, but that doesn't work? Any suggestions? By the way I'm a beginner scripter!
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) player.CharacterAdded:connect(function(character) character.Head.Mesh:remove() morph1 = script["1Left Arm"]:Clone() morph2 = script["2Left Leg"]:Clone() morph3 = script["3Right Arm"]:Clone() morph4 = script["4Right Leg"]:Clone() morph5 = script["5Torso"]:Clone() morph1.Parent = character morph2.Parent = character morph3.Parent = character morph4.Parent = character morph5.Parent = character end) end)
Your script doesn't attach the parts to the character, it just parents them to the character. The way you should be morphing people should involve changing shirt and pants, not their arms and legs. Look up "Make your own morph" on freemodels and read through the script