My script works great actually :D. It waits till there is atleast 2 players in the server. My game has 4 different teams for 4 different reasons. The 2 that matter in this script are 'Medium stone grey' and 'Institutional white' When your on the institutional white team, you are either in the menu or in the tutorial and the game doesn't affect you. When you are on the Medium stone grey team you are in the lobby and ready to play. I am wanting this script to wait for atleast 2 players on the Medium stone grey team and not 2 players in the server.
Here is my script:
while true do wait(2) if game.Players.NumPlayers < 2 then game.Workspace.Message:Remove() local h ="Hint") h.Parent = game.Workspace h.Text = "Need Atleast 2 Players to Play" elseif game.Players.NumPlayers > 0 then game.Workspace.Message:Remove() game.ServerStorage.LobbyTimer:Clone().Parent = game.Workspace wait(62)
Yes instead of using a repeat wait I used while true do, which needs to stay there. I have the script removing a hint and re-making it into workspace. Which it just cycles and adds a hint then removes it over and over. Which could be not the best way to do it. If you do want to add a reapeat wait feel free to do so, However leave the while true do there for other purposes.
EDIT: I used your script and edited to my liking (So it works the way I need it to)
wait() while true do local NumPlayers = 0 for _, Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if Player.TeamColor =='Medium stone grey') then wait() NumPlayers = NumPlayers + 1 end if NumPlayers < 2 then wait(.5) game.Workspace.Message:Remove() local GameHint ="Hint") GameHint.Text = "Need Atleast 2 Players to Play" GameHint.Parent = game.Workspace elseif NumPlayers > 0 then wait(.5) game.Workspace.Message:Remove() game.ServerStorage.LobbyTimer:Clone().Parent = game.Workspace wait(62)
after the wait 62 other things in the script happen, but however it is too much script to enter into this :p
So you want it to wait until two players are on a certain team?
You need to do a 'for' loop and count the players on the team
while true do local NumPlayers = 0 for _, Player in pairs(Game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if Player.TeamColor =='Medium stone grey') then NumPlayers = NumPlayers + 1 end end if NumPlayers < 2 then local GameHint ="Hint") GameHint.Parent = Workspace GameHint.Text = "Need Atleast 2 Players to Play" Game.Players.PlayerAdded:wait() else print("two players are in") end
Please upvote :)