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Could I define the area inside a circle using Math.rad?

Asked by 9 years ago

Is it possible to define the area of a circle using math.rad, or radians? Not create a circle out of bricks like on the wiki. I mean defining an area, like get all parts within the area of said circle. If I wanted to get every part within a radius of another part, how would I do it? Can I do it?

I'm sorry if this isn't very clear, its the best I could do to describe what I have in mind.

More info needed. Define the area of a circle? What does that mean? Spell it out for us, we aren't going to guess at it. Unclear 1776 — 9y
Added more detail to the question. Hopefully it makes more sense now. Thanks. AwsomeSpongebob 350 — 9y
You want to get a list of parts that are in a sphere? Within a particular distance to an object? BlueTaslem 18071 — 9y
Bingo, but more like a cylinder. What I want to know is how I could achieve that through the use of math, or any existing Roblox methods. (I forgot 'Cylinder' was a word at the time of asking the question, whoops XD) AwsomeSpongebob 350 — 9y

1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

For the area of the circle you would need to know 2 simple things which is the diameter or radius(half the diameter) You would need to use these equations based on what knowledge you know. (I referenced from here aswell)


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