I want to turn the scripts funtion below to something like: ex: script.Parent.Touched:connect(function() Something like that.
function lightOnFire(part) print("Going to light this part on fire:") print(part.Name) fire = Instance.new("Fire") fire.Parent = part end firePart = game.Workspace.FirePart firePart.Touched:connect(lightOnFire) function putOutFire(part) print("Got to put out the fire on:") print(part.Name) fire = part:FindFirstChild("Fire") if fire then fire:Destroy() end end waterPart = game.Workspace.WaterPart waterPart.Touched:connect(putOutFire) firePart.Transparency = 1 waterPart.Transparency = 1
I think you mean this?
Part.Touched:connect(function(touchedPart) print(touchedPart.Name) end)