So I'm trying to sub out all the '_'s for spaces, It doesn't seem to be working, And example of what the value could be is, Bright_orange.
colors.Parent.CurrentColor.Changed:connect(function(Value) local parts = game.Workspace.BeginHolder.BeginModel:GetChildren() for i,v in pairs (parts) do v.BrickColor =,"_"," ")) end end)
The reason it is happening is because it is returning "Bright orangle 0" so this would be a proper fix:
colors.Parent.CurrentColor.Changed:connect(function(Value) local parts = game.Workspace.BeginHolder.BeginModel:GetChildren() for i,v in pairs (parts) do v.BrickColor =,"_"," "), 0, #tostring(colors.Parent.CurrentColor.Value))) end end)