hint = Instance.new("Hint",game.Workspace) hint.Text = 0 while true do hint.Text = hint.Text + 1 wait(1) end if hint.Text = 10 then --Error here hint.Text:Destroy() end
The error is that =
does not compare things, it only assigns them.
You have to use ==
to compare:
if hint.Text == 10 then
However, that won't work. Text
is a string (text), but 10
is a number -- they aren't the same kind of thing, so they aren't equal:
if hint.Text == "10" then
That will work. However, that if
statement will never be executed, because the while
loop before it never finishes. Remember, code runs in sequence -- if a first thing never ends, the second thing never begins.
You could add your code to the condition of the while
hint = Instance.new("Hint", workspace) hint.Text = "0" while hint.Text ~= "10" do wait(1) hint.Text = hint.Text + 1 end hint:Destroy()
However, this sort of behavior is why there is a for
loop in Lua! Don't use a while
loop and an if
for the end for this stuff:
hint = Instance.new("Hint", workspace) for t = 1, 10 do hint.Text = t wait(1) end hint:Destroy()
for loops do a block of code many times, "for each" thing in a range, collection, list, etc.
The numeric for loop is what was used here. It looks like this:
for someVariable = start, stop do -- do stuff with `someVariable` end
Each time the loop happens, you'll get another value for someVariable
-- start
, start + 1
, start + 2
, ... , stop - 1
, stop
So if you want the numbers 1 to 10 to be printed out, that's simply
for n = 1, 10 do print(n) end
If you wanted to print the first ten cube numbers:
for n = 1, 10 do print(n ^ 3) end
If you want to go over a range of numbers, this is the best, cleanest way to do it.
They also have an optional "step", if you want to increase by more (or less) than 1
. This will print all the even numbers:
for n = 0, 20, 2 do print(n) -- n = 0, 0 + 2, 0 + 2 + 2, 0 + 2 + 2 + 2, ... end
First when you're trying to know if a value equal to another value you need to put two equals like that:
if 5 + 3 == 8 then print("Awesome, 5 + 3 is 8 !!") end
and hint.Text is a string so you need to put the 10 in this little thing '10' or again this "10" sorry I don't know what this the name of this little "thing" hehe.
now it suppose to look like that:
hint = Instance.new("Hint",game.Workspace) hint.Text = 0 while true do hint.Text = hint.Text + 1 wait(1) end if hint.Text == "10" then hint.Text:Destroy() end
SURPRISE It didnt work because the loop is before your code and after a loop you can't run a code excepted by another way like coroutine heres an exemple:
coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()) while true do hint.Text = hint.Text + 1 wait(1) end end))
but again you'll get an error because when you'll destroy your hint it'll be nil.
now you have two ways for fix that.
the first way is you can use repeat
repeat --body until hint.Text == "10"
and for the second you can use while too o:
while hint.Text ~= "10" do --body end
now your code will look like that:
hint = Instance.new("Hint",game.Workspace) hint.Text = 0 while hint.Text ~= "10" do hint.Text = hint.Text + 1 wait(1) end hint:Destroy()
Yup I more love while ;)
enjoy !