I was wondering, is it possible to play sounds locally? For instance, in a local script, could I do
local S2 = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Sound2") S2:Play() --Without it failing?
Please answer!
Sounds can work locally,
For the sound to be heard ONLY by the player you can place them in the playergui, or in the character's head.
If you don't want it to stop if they die, put it in the player itself.
You can play the sounds using a localscript.
You Can Use A LocalScript OR a ServerScript to play sounds locally.
Playing the sound in workspace will only play it for everyone.
You want to play the sound in the individual player. Example:
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr) S2 = workspace:WaitForChild("Sound2") S2.Parent = plr S2:Play() end
Remember, you can use this in LocalScript OR ServerScript.