Basically i need this script :
function myfunction()
script.Parent.Parent.Undercarriage.Transparency = 1 script.Parent.Parent.Undercarriage.CanCollide = false
To affect all the parts in the model called undercarriage, not just one which it is at the moment. Theres roughly 100 parts in this model called undercarriage so naming them all will be highly impractical and time consuming.
I'm a complete noob to scripting, don't judge me too harshly :D
Sorry I can't explain any better.
function myfunction() -- Function for i,v in pairs(script.Parent.Parent:GetChildren()) do -- Gather all the parts if v.Name == "Undercarriage" then -- If it's named a specific name v.Transparency = 1 -- Change the transparency v.CanCollide = false -- Make it CanCollide false end -- End the function end -- End the gathering end -- End the if -- Or I got the ending's in the wrong order e.e script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(myfunction) -- On click