So I have some code that changes a decal based on what a StringValue changes to. Another script changes the value and I have verified that * the value does change.* However, the .Changed event doesn't seem to be firing. This code is in a normal script and will not print anything, no "Fired" or value appears in the output.
Can anyone help?
local player = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent local Destination = workspace:WaitForChild(player.Name.."'s Car").Destinations local Time = player.PlayerGui.GUI.Timetable script.Parent.Changed:connect(function(value) -- this line doesn't fire. print("Fired") print(value) if script.Parent.Value == "1" then Destination.SignBack.Decal.Texture = "" Destination.Destination.Decal.Texture = "" Time.Route.Text = "1" end script.Parent.Parent.Visible = false end)