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How to make only 1 music play but not 2 ? at the same time

Asked by
Bulvyte 388 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

Ok so this is the script i actually got. Let's say theres Part1 Block when you want to pass and after Part2 block you want to pass them both. So when u pass the Part1 block the script below makes music play, however when u pass part2 block this is the same script below but plays different music and also stops the old one so u don't hear 2 musics at the same time can u guys help me do it ? Please i want answers dont ignore :/

local brick = script.Parent
local sound = script.Parent.Sound
debounce = false

player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
if player and not debounce then
debounce = true
play = sound:Clone()
play.Parent = player.PlayerGui
debounce = false
What you want in the description and in the title are different things. Do you want 2 at a time or 1 at a time? laughablehaha 494 — 9y
When you pass the button, you get a sound in ur playergui. then theres another brick that gives u sound. When u pass it, it also GIVES you a sound into playergui. BUT theres 2 sound so it needs 2 get rid of the other one because i want those use those bricks as a biom changer music... get it ? ;-; why is so hard to explain to you guys Bulvyte 388 — 9y

1 answer

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Answered by
lsp425 0
9 years ago

In this case, where the debounce seems to not be working, you should make the script check if the sound has already been cloned to the PlayerGui.

Can you please add me on skype ? i will explain because its never ever possible to explain here my skype is the_herkus Bulvyte 388 — 9y

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