So if i put my intro music into the starter gui it always plays when you die/reset i've made this clone script only plays the music when you enter the game and never again.
local Sound = script.Sound:Clone() game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) player.CharacterAdded:wait() Sound:Clone().Parent = player.PlayerGui wait(.1) Sound:Play().Parent = player.PlayerGui end)
The thing i want is: Let it clone to playergui which works, but doesn't play the sound. So the prob is i want to make it play when it clones the sound. Help pls...
Well, I believe sound only plays in two places: The Player & The Workspace. Sounds don't work in other places like the PlayerGui.
Workspace: Plays Sound For Everyone
The Player: Plays sound for ONE person only.
Maybe you want to do this, instead of putting the sound in the GUI, put it in the player.
local Sound = script.Sound:Clone() game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) player.CharacterAdded:wait() Sound:Clone().Parent = player wait(.1) Sound:Play().Parent = playeri end)
Your problem is that you have incorrect syntax.
is not correct syntax.
I'm assuming what you want to happen is that the sound is cloned into the playergui and then the sound plays after 0.1 seconds. I would suggest setting the clone of the sound to a local variable, and then setting that variable's parent to the playergui, and then after 0.1 seconds make the variable play, like so:
local soundClone = Sound:Clone() soundClone.Parent = player.PlayerGui wait(0.1) soundClone:Play()
Hope this helped!