So i'm actually stuck on this thing where you pass the brick the sound changes like in different games you change biomes the sound changes i wanna do that, but only that the player can hear it not others but how ? Please help me i can't really script that good...
Like here i:
I've putted the Sound in the Part and the localscript in sound whenever it touches the brick i want the sound to play only for the player. I do know somehow u need to locate the player when he touches it instance a new sound but i don't know how to write it. Please help even i tried with this script:
function onTouch(Part) wait(.1) script.Parent:Play() end script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouch)
like in this game i've tested i've moved from 1 brick to other brick then it changed sounds. thats how i want the script to be :/ And whenever u touch the brick make sure the sound doesnt play again and again whenevr u touch it. like it works again until the sound ends
For Local things like this, you're going to want to go with a LocalScript inside StarterGui. (Make sure FilteringEnabled is on)
Refer to my example script
-- This script is a localscript inside PlayerGui function onTouch(PartThatTouched) -- Check to see if the part that touched is yourself (because everyone in the server is running this script locally, so you only need to worry about yourself) if PartThatTouched.Parent == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character then -- If it was you that touched the part, play a song only you can hear local sound ='Sound') sound.SoundId = "" .. asset sound.Parent = script.Parent sound: Play() end end game.Workspace.Part.Touched:connect(onTouch)