I have been having issues with this script. This script just makes a dust particle when you touch the brick. (Yes I know that I'm not very good at scripting, but I'm still learning c;)
script.Parent.Touched:connect(function(Hit) local x = Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Left Leg") if x ~= nil then local Dust = script.Dust Dust:Clone() game.Debris:AddItem(Dust, 3) Dust.Parent = x Dust.Enabled = true wait(0.1) Dust.Enabled = false end end)
It seems you're removing the only dust particle there is after 3 seconds. To make it so it's the clone of the dust we want to remove, we'd need to make a variable for it like:
Dust = script.Dust Dust = Dust:Clone() -- the clone of dust game.Debris:AddItem(Dust, 3)
The final version:
script.Parent.Touched:connect(function(part) local hit = part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Left Leg") if hit then local Dust = script.Dust:Clone() Dust.Parent = hit game.Debris:AddItem(Dust, 3) end end)