I would like to ask you's guys, how would I make a script that would allow certain people into the game without paying the Game Access? I'm making a Dangerous Sea World Game and currently it's in testing mode, I would like for my staff to access it for free, I heard that you could do that in the Forums... my guess is to do something like this.
findPlayers = ("Kapitanovaskapandr","AnotherNameHere","ETC") (The Player List above) = Admins function if Admin then GetMarketPlaceService:(game Id here).remove() else if player then --do normal functions here...
am no good scripter but I sometimes give it a shot at impossible things for me to do.
and then another thing I would like is, Rewarding function... I guess it would be like this
GetPlayers:() onGameAccess:removed() if player.Purchased(game Id here. GameAccess) then game.Lighting.findFirstChild(Rewards) wait() Math.Random(1,5) --then tell the system depending on the number of the prize, the prize would be cloned or added to leaderstats or whatever...
cos am planning on giving players rewards if they buy the Game Access so that when I remove the Game Access they get their Reward, and also if possible a GUI would be nice like a Roulette spins and then stops at your reward. Thanks for listening.
First of all, if you set Game Access, EVERYONE needs to buy it, to get in the game. There is something called Developer Products, Where you can keep buying the same item in-game. The codes are different, and more confusing. Please refer to this site for more information:
I'm not that good at scripting but what I would do is make the access free, but when you join unless you have a certain Game Pass then you just spawn there, and can't go anywhere, but if you have the game pass then it counts as a 'Paid Access' of a sort and you get access to the game. But if your one of the staff you get access etc. Hope this helps :)
You actually can do this, but you wouldn't be able to use the ROBLOX-made Paid Access feature. To do so you would need to create an item, such as a gamepass, and title it "Game Access" or something like that. Make the price whatever you want it to be. Now, you would need to make a script inside the game so that when a player enters, it checks if they have the gamepass, or if they are on the alternate entry list (you would put the names of those who can get in for free there).
by the way, people don't forget to say something about Rewards if someone buys the Game Access, but I want the rewards to be given after I remove the Access...