mapc.Value = (math.random(2)) wait(1) if mapc.Value == 1 then print(mapc.Value) player.Character.Torso.CFrame = ToMapOne +, i * 5, 0) player.TeamColor = game.Teams["Playing"].TeamColor for i, m1 in ipairs(game.Workspace.MapOne:GetChildren()) do m1.Transparency = 0 m1.CanCollide = true end end if mapc.Value == 2 then print(mapc.Value) player.Character.Torso.CFrame = ToMapTwo +, i * 5, 0) player.TeamColor = game.Teams["Playing"].TeamColor for i, m2 in ipairs(game.Workspace.MapTwo:GetChildren()) do m2.Transparency = 0 m2.CanCollide = true end
The above isn't the entire script, but it's part of it. The problem is that when the script is told to pick a random number, it chooses a number for each player in the game. Can someone help me fix it so that it only chooses one number rather than a number for each player?