I made a personal message GUI, and inside a button is this LocalScript. However, I don't know how to parent the PM GUI it makes to the recipient's PlayerGui. I did this script.
function pm() local n = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name local m = script.Parent.Parent.username.Text local b = script.Parent.Parent.pm.Text local p = game.ReplicatedStorage.pm:Clone() p.Frame.author.Text = "from " .. n p.Frame.text.Text = "" .. m p.Parent = game.Players.m.PlayerGui end script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:connect(pm)
I need to know how I would do line 8 correctly. Can anyone help?
function pm() local n = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name local m = script.Parent.Parent.username.Text local b = script.Parent.Parent.pm.Text local p = game.ReplicatedStorage.pm:Clone() p.Frame.author.Text = "from " .. n p.Frame.text.Text = "" .. m p.Parent = game.Players:FindFirstChild(m).PlayerGui end script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:connect(pm)
You are trying to find a child of Players named m. This will return nil, since there is nothing inside PlayerGui named m. But we can look for the string that m defined (the name) inside the PlayerGui by using FirstFIndChild.