Hello! I am currently working on an interactive test and everything works great! However, I realized I never tested it in actual game mode. And for some reason I get this in the server output:
Players.Player1.PlayerGui.MidnaGui.Frame.ImageButton.LocalScript:2: attempt to index field 'Character' (a nil value) 15:04:41.272 - Stack Begin 15:04:41.272 - Script 'Players.Player1.PlayerGui.MidnaGui.Frame.ImageButton.LocalScript', Line 2 15:04:41.273 - Stack End
I have the script in the Player's PlayerGui>MidnaGui>Frame>ImageButton>LocalScript
Mid = game.ServerStorage:FindFirstChild("Midna Anim") prt = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("Par2")--This is where it supposedly can't find Character within Local Player num = game.ServerStorage.NumValue gui = script.Parent.Parent.Parent txt = gui.Frame2.TextBox plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer txt.Text = "What is it, " ..plr.Name .."?" script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if num.Value == 1 then prt.Parent.Head.Apear:Play() Mid.Parent = game.Workspace Mid:MoveTo(prt.Position) gui.Frame2.Visible = true num.Value = 2 elseif num.Value == 2 then if prt.Parent.Head.Apear.isPlaying == true then prt.Parent.Head.Apear:Stop() end prt.Parent.Head.Vanish:Play() Mid.Parent = game.ServerStorage gui.Frame2.Visible = false num.Value = 1 end end)
I'm not sure why it can't find the character in game but can in studio. Any help?
Thanks! ~Minikitkat
Before we tackle the main problem, there is something you need to fix.
In a local script you cannot access ServerStorage.
I believe the only reason you were able to access this initially is because you ran this inside of studio with play solo.
Instead of ServerStorage, use ReplicatedStorage which will allow clients to access the objects in it.
Now the main problem is that you are attempt to use the character while it has not been loaded yet.
The simple solution is to wait until the character is loaded, it is a one liner.
repeat wait() until game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character