Idea The code randomly grabs parts from a model, and spawns them within a given area.
Problem I get this area when I test it, and it happens randomly: attempt to index a nil value
and the error is happens on line 12.
local treasures = {"AztecMask", "Crown", "DominoCrown", "DominusAureus", "Helmet", "PaintBallMask","Statue"} local model = game.ReplicatedStorage.TreasureList local minTime = 1 local maxTime = 1 local xPos = {-6.5, 28.5} local yPos = {0.5, 0.5} local zPos = {-22.5, 2.5} local modelnumber = 0 while wait(math.random(minTime, maxTime)) do local m = treasures[math.random(1,#treasures)] local cloney = model:findFirstChild(m):clone() local x = math.random(xPos[1], xPos[2]) local y = math.random(yPos[1], yPos[2]) local z = math.random(zPos[1], zPos[2]) cloney.Parent = game.workspace cloney.Position =,y,z) modelnumber = modelnumber + 1 print(modelnumber) if modelnumber >= 5 then break end end