This data store is suppose to save Items that are put directly into your startergear in game. But it isn't working. And I do not know why.
Here is the script:
local key = 'weps' local exclude = { 'GameMusicHuman, GameMusicInfected, LobbyMusic, CamControl, NoNames, ToggleFlashlight, ToggleSound'; } game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect( function(p) local weps = data:GetAsync(p.userId..'_'..key) if weps then for _,v in pairs(weps) do if game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild(v) then game.ReplicatedStorage[v]:clone().Parent = p.StarterGear end end end p.StarterGear.ChildAdded:connect( function(c) local tools = { } for _,v in pairs(p.StarterGear:GetChildren()) do local add = true for _,c in pairs(exclude) do if v.Name ~= c.Name then add = false end end if add then table.insert(mo, v.Name) end end data:SetAsync((p.userId..'_'..key), tools) end ) end )
Would this help?
local store = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("data") local http = game:GetService("HttpService") local Convert = function(data) if type(data) == "string" then if pcall(function() http:Decode(data) end) then return http:Decode(data) else return data end elseif type(data) == "table" then return http:ncode(data) elseif type(data) ~= "userdata" and type(data) ~= "thread" then return data else return nil,warn("Cannot convert "..type(data)) end end local a = { save = function(self,key,value) if key then if type(key) == "string" then if value then local value = Convert(value) if value ~= nil then if store:GetAsync(key) then store:UpdateAsync(key,function(old) return value end) return store:GetAsync(key) else store:SetAsync(key,value) return store:GetAsync(key) end end else if store:GetAsync(key) then return Convert(store:GetAsync(key)), warn("No value given to save") else return nil,warn("No value given to save") end end else return nil, warn(key.." is an invalid key") end else return nil,warn("No key given") end end; load = function(self,key) if key then if type(key) == "string" then if store:GetAsync(key) then return Convert(store:GetAsync(key)) else return nil end else return nil, warn(key.." is an invalid key") end else return nil,warn("No key given") end end; setStore = function(self,name) if name and type(name) == "string" then store = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore(name) end end } return a