When I touch the part the part moves up so thats why I made a position.
x = script.Parent x.Touched:connect(function() x.Size = x.Size + Vector3.new(1,1,1) x.Position.Vector3.new = -8, -1, -3 --Once it grows when you touch it, the part moves up so thats why I put this line there. So it can go back to its position. end)
Vector3 makes it not collide with any parts change it to CFrame for it to work
x.CFrame = CFrame.new(-8,-1,-3)
Whoa whoa whoa. This is wrong. Too wrong. The wiki. Readd the wiki!!!!
If you reference the wiki, you would've found this
workspace.Part.Position = Vector3.new(0, 50, 0)
So, for your part, we would do this...
x.Position = Vector3.new(-8, -1, -3)
But this shouldn't work. Why? Position is like the size you did. it offsets the position if it collides with a part. So we will have to use CFrame, that allows parts to collide with other parts and not be offsetted.
x.CFrame = CFrame.new(-8, -1, -3)