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How do I remove hats on a button then get them back ?

Asked by 9 years ago

Im trying to make a gui that welds a hat to your head and also remove your current hat then if you press it again it comes back and removes weld any ideas?

1 answer

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Answered by
Codebot 85
9 years ago

First off, you'll need to make a clone of the user's hats with :Clone()

Put it in a folder or a model for storage.

You can go on the roblox wiki for the welding.

now if they click again the button that removes all the new hats it would be something like

hats = --Character, idk your display
for i = 1,#hats do
if hats[i]:IsA("Hat") or hats[i]:IsA("Model") then -- I added model because its probably going to be a free model? or just a model the the hat itself :P

now you just need to weld the hats back from the storage.

I had a figure you would need to clone but I used "hat" and that didn't work thanks for the help Clakker200 5 — 9y
1st line what do I put there though? Clakker200 5 — 9y
The player. So like...button.Parent.Parent.Parent (Idk how many parents, once again your display) until it reaches Player1 Codebot 85 — 9y
thank you Clakker200 5 — 9y

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