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Is it possible to detect if a player owns a certain item such as a hat?

Asked by
yup3600 10
10 years ago

Much like in 'Trade Hangout', I need to make a script that detects if a player owns a certain hat on the website. The catch is that the player does not necessarily have to be wearing the hat in the game.

We know that it can be done with limited hats & gear because we can see it on 'Trade Hangout'. However, I was wondering if it could be done for non-limited items too.

If you could shed some light on this topic I would greatly appreciate it!

1 answer

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Answered by
Bebee2 195
10 years ago

Here are your options:

PlayerOwnsAsset method is preferred, though.

NOTE: I believe Trade Hangout uses HTTPService to actually get the information what hats the player owns rather than going through a huge list of numbers.

Cheers yup3600 10 — 10y

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