i need help to get the button when tapped it will turn on some light/neon And when i click twice the neon disapare
local model = script.Parent.Parent while true do script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(function() model.children.transparency = 0 end)
local LightOn = false local Light = script.Parent.Parent script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(function() if LightOn then LightOn = false Light.children.Transparency = 1 else LightOn = true Light.children.Transparency = 0 end end)
By using the variable "LightOn", the script will alternate between on and off every time that you click, and manage the light based on the value. I presume "children" is the name of the part, and you didn't mean "GetChildren()", in which case I'd use this code:
local LightOn = false local Light = script.Parent.Parent Alternate = function(Trans) for _,Part in pairs(Light:GetChildren()) do Part.Transparency = Trans end end) script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(function() if LightOn then LightOn = false Alternate(1) else LightOn = true Alternate(0) end end)