If Someone Is Going To Yell at me, Please Don't, I Have Tried To Script Multiple Times BUT THEY NEVER WORK! Is There A Way To Make Group Rank Only Gear, I've Never Seen it But I Run A Clone Trooper Group And I Want To Make A Jedi Rank, But i want only it get's Light Saber
First you must check if the user is in a group
Then, use
and check if it returns the name of the rank you want
if (player:GetRoleInGroup(groupID) == "My rank") then
and you can just clone the tool from somewhere and put it into player's Backpack object.
Well, you could do strings. As in, when you make a script that shows players ranks, you could string it as if something above their head says the rank, that gives them the tools, then it will clone from lighting to the players backpack.