The Shirt And Pants is the only thing that doesnt work in game but it does in studio.
MultiFrame = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.MultiPurpose script.Parent.MouseEnter:connect(function(info) MultiFrame.NameT.Text = "Kyle Argent" MultiFrame.AbilitiesT.Text = "Enhanced Senses, Speed, Strength" MultiFrame.AgeT.Text = "18" MultiFrame.ThingT.Text = "Werewolf" MultiFrame.GenderT.Text = "Male" local BC = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Character:findFirstChild("Body Colors") local Shirt = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Character:findFirstChild("Shirt") local Pants = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Character:findFirstChild("Pants") BC.HeadColor ="Nougat") BC.TorsoColor ="Nougat") BC.LeftLegColor ="Nougat") BC.RightLegColor ="Nougat") BC.RightArmColor ="Nougat") BC.LeftArmColor ="Nougat") script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Character.Head.face.Texture = "" Shirt.ShirtTemplate = "" Pants.PantsTemplate = "" local d = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Character:GetChildren() for i=1, #d do if (d[i].className == "Hat") then d[i]:remove() end end local KAH = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").KAHair:Clone() KAH.Parent = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Character end)
There are one or two ways I would fix this. Instead of declaring the shirt, find out if it is even there:
local Shirt = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Character:findFirstChild("Shirt") local Pants = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Character:findFirstChild("Pants") if Shirt then print("Shirt has been found!") else print("There is no shirt.") end if Pants then print("Pants have been found!") else print("Erm... this guy ain't wearing any pants...") end
But, I would also go a step further than this, what if (for some reason) the shirt and pants that a player is wearing arn't called "Shirt" and "Pants"? Lets make a loop to find out:
for i,v in pairs (script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent:GetChildren()) if v:IsA("Shirt") then Shirt=v end if v:IsA("Pants") then Pants=v end end
If all else fails, hit f9 to open up the developer console in online mode, that way you can check for any errors directly.
What kind of script is this (i.e. localscript, script, modulescript), and where is it in the game (i.e. the player, the workspace, etc.)? also is this script assigning it self to the studio player known as "Player1" or the like? as this is the cause of most "works in studio but not in game" problems.