I have this part of my script in the bullet, the bullet is ment to explode if it hits any part named: "Part" or "Union" and not ment to explode if it hits it's own user but it will for other players..
Bullet.Touched:connect(function(Part) local Humanoid = Part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if Part and Part.Name == "Part" or Part.Name == "Terrain" or Part.Name == "Union" then HasExploded = false ExplosionPosition = Bullet.Position Explode() elseif Humanoid and not Humanoid.Parent.Name == user.Name then HasExploded = false ExplosionPosition = Bullet.Position Explode() end end)
It works when it hits anything named part, union or terrain, but if it hits a different player it just bounces off, and same for it's own user... :/ Output doesn't say anything, and this is in a normal script....
I also tryed this:
Bullet.Touched:connect(function(Part) local Humanoid = Part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if Part and Part.Name == "Part" or Part.Name == "Terrain" or Humanoid and not Humanoid.Parent.Name == user.Name then HasExploded = false ExplosionPosition = Bullet.Position Explode() end end)